Septet for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass and Piano
An-lun Huang, op.36 (1986)
James Campbell, the famous Canadian clarinets, commissioned a septet from Huang for the China
tour of the Canadian Chamber Group in 1984. Campbell suggested that An-lun combine the folk music of Canada and China in this new work. The result was the septet,” Seven Canadian Folk Songs in Chinese style", became the most exciting hit piece of the tour. The world premiere was taken place at the Festival of the Sound at Parry Sound, Ontario, before the China tour. It was performed by seven leading Canadian musicians, Moshe Hammer(violin), Steven Dann(viola), Sophie Rolland(cello), Joel Quarrington(bass), Anton Kuerti(piano), Robert Aitken(flute) and James Campbell(clarinet). The piece was so warmly received both in Canada and China that a record has been released. It was also the most successful piece for the "Canada-Hong Kong Festival", Hong Kong, 91.
In addition, in 2002, successfully, the Canadian Symphoniatta performed its orchestral version, conducted by Tak-ng Lai, in Paris, France.
However, Huang found the musical similarity of the two nations--the pentatonic mode. Written in Chinese idea, the septet gives the opportunity both to the Chinese and Canadian audiences to find themselves in each other through the Seven Canadian folk songs. The septet is divided into seven "attacca" parts. No.1 begins the music into a very quiet British Columbia Indian folk tune, performed by flute and clarinet, and occasionally, the piano gives few chords to support them. No.2 comes a Alberta Indian lyric song with all instruments. The folk songs of No.3 and 4 are Ontario Forest man’s old tunes which bring the music to the exciting part. The No.5 is a Saskatchewan Indian traditional tune, the "war song". Its heavy dynamic shows the typical native Canadian rhythmic patterns. Wooden spoon is a Canadian folk instrument. The clarinet player plays it in No.6 of a vivacious Quebec folk dance. And in a Newfoundland lyric song, No.7, the septet goes to its brilliant ending.
1984年夏,此作由加拿大七位一流独奏家组成的加拿大室内乐团在安大略帕瑞桑音乐节上进行了首演,并随即作为压轴曲目在他们的访华巡演中大获成功. 作者以中国的观念处理加拿大的七首民歌,让中国与加拿大的听众都有机会从中感知到”你中有我,我中有你”的美好乐境.
乐曲分七个部份,作不间断演奏.第一部份,音乐以非常宁静的加国西部卑诗省[英属哥伦比亚]原始森林里的印第安曲调开始,孤寂的长笛与单簧管由偶而衬入的钢琴点缀; 全体乐器在第二部份才加入----这是一首古老的中西部奥伯塔印第安抒情歌; 第三,四部份引用了安大略英裔伐木工人们充满活力的古老曲调; 第五部份则是加国中部萨斯喀彻温省盛行的印第安战歌,歌曲强烈的动力展现了印第安节奏的典型特点; 到了第六部份,乐曲带出东部魁北克法裔活泼鲜明的民间舞蹈音乐;最后, 第七部份,大西洋岸边纽芬兰的抒情渔歌将乐曲推向灿烂辉煌的结尾.